inches to pixels conversion calculator

Inches to pixels converter/calculator & decimal to fraction conversions

Inches to pixels converter/calculator

CalculatorCalculating the conversion from inches to pixels isn’t the most complicated conversion, however, we have tried to make it even easier. Here is a calculator which will convert inches to the equivalent of 100 dpi (currently) digitally. Of course you could also use it to convert pixels to inches, although keep in mind at the moment it is 100 dpi We hope this will help you when designing your next vehicle wrap or print piece.



Decimal to fraction conversions

If your measurements happen to have a fraction or if you need to calculate your bleed or another measurement. Here are the more commonly used conversions to help you when converting your decimal to a fraction. Note: Some of the decimal numbers have been rounded.

Fraction Decimal
1/2 0.5
1/3 0.333
2/3 0.666
1/4 0.25
3/4 0.75
1/5 0.2
2/5 0.4
3/5 0.6
4/5 0.8
1/6 0.1666
5/6 0.8333
1/8 0.125
3/8 0.375
5/8 0.625
7/8 0.875
1/9 0.111
2/9 0.222
4/9 0.444
5/9 0.555
7/9 0.777
8/9 0.888
1/10 0.1
1/12 0.08333
1/16 0.0625
1/32 0.03125

We are here to help you with your vehicle wrap and can create a custom design if you need. If you are working on your design and have any questions please ask us, we would rather help with any information before the design process, as it can effect quality to change a design after it has been created. Thank you!

1st Impressions is a vehicle wrap shop that has been in the auto wrap advertising business since 1994. We can help turn your company’s vision into a professionally designed vehicle wrap in little down time! Give us a call today at 602-253-3332 or send us an email at for any further questions or a quote on your vehicle(s) today!

About the author: Dan Deary is president of 1st Impressions Truck Lettering, a 3M Certified Vehicle Wrap shop located in Phoenix, Arizona.