small businesses and vehicle wraps

Learn more about what vehicle wraps can do for your small business

Vehicle wrap advertising benefits

A big obstacle in small businesses is that you have to find ways to compete with the big dogs in a way that is within, what can sometimes be a limited budget.

The goal is to find an advertising method that is affordable and effective and will give you the biggest return on your investment. Vehicle wraps are the best way to get your business moving and shift your sales into high gear.

Here are some ways that vehicle wraps can work for you:

High Awareness and Visibility

On average, vehicle wraps generate anywhere from 30,000-70,000 impressions a day. A vehicle wrap will work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you are out driving on the freeway, or parked in the parking lot at the supermarket, people can’t miss your vehicle wrap. You also have the option when you are not driving it, to strategically park your vehicle in places where there is high visibility. Even when it’s parked, your vehicle will get attention.


A Small Cost for a Huge Investment

Many companies are using a system called CPM or cost per thousand impressions. This system measures the effectiveness of your choice of advertising and consequently, calculates the return on investment (ROI) for that same advertising option. For every thousand impressions, it only costs $.35 for vehicle wraps. That’s a big stretch for the rest of the advertising mediums, as the next closest one is outdoor, including billboards which is $3.56 per thousand impressions. Vehicle wraps are a very affordable choice to make the biggest impact on your business.

Related:   Some reasons to consider a vehicle wrap!


Your vehicle wrap is in essence, a moving billboard. Unlike a billboard that you see on the side of the freeway, which can cost upwards of $5000 PER MONTH, a vehicle wrap is not stationary and you have the ability to move it. Another nice option when it comes to vehicle wraps is that you have the option to design your wrap however you please. You can choose between full wraps, partial wraps and truck lettering. You also have the last say on what you would like to put on it. Here at 1st Impressions Truck Lettering, we can help you create a professionally designed wrap that is eye-catching and will get your name and brand out on the road.

Call us at 602.253.3332 today for a free quote or fill out the short form on this page to get started on your project today!
About the author: Dan Deary is president of 1st Impressions Truck Lettering, a 3M Certified Wrap shop located in Phoenix Arizona.