vehicle wrap vs billboard advertising

Vehicle Wrap vs Billboard

Vehicle Wrap Advertising Compared to Billboards

vehicle wrap vs billboard, Using billboards as a mean of advertising has been around since the 1800s. We would be lying if we said that billboards are as effective as they used to be. Since then, vehicle wrap advertising has become more and more popular, reaching out to more potential customers than billboards can.

Let’s look at some key factors that distinguish billboards and vehicle wrap advertising:


There are many different billboard sizes and the price of the billboard will vary depending on the size. A 5 X 12 foot billboard sheet can cost anywhere $5,000-$10,000. A 12 X 24 foot billboard sheet can cost between $20,000-$30,000. You also have to keep in mind that you may also have to pay for the lease on the billboard, because someone most likely owns the billboard that you want to advertise on. With vehicle wrap advertising, you have a one-time cost. Vehicle wrap advertising costs depend on the size of the vehicle:

  • Cars or small SUVs – $2,000-$3,000
  • Large SUVs, Vans, or Box Trucks – $3,000-$5,000
  • Buses, Train Cars or Tractor Trailers – $5,000-$7,500

The cost of different advertisements can also be measured using a system called cost per a thousand impressions. This system looks at each different form of advertising and calculates how much money it costs to get to one thousand impressions. Of course, vehicle wrap advertising is on the top of the list (the best place to be) with it only costing $ 0.35 cents to reach a thousand impressions. The next lowest number is outdoor advertising, including billboards, costing $3.56 cents to reach a thousand. The best and most cost-effective choice is easy to pick out here.


car graphics vs billboardsUnfortunately, billboards are stationed on the side of the road and are unable to move around. Vehicles that are wrapped are able to drive on the road just like thousands of other people. Think of vehicle wraps as mobile billboards, you can drive them wherever, whenever you want and can reach out to many different people on the road. Rush hour becomes your best friend, lots of vehicles with lots of eyes that could potentially be glued to your vehicle wrap.

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Vehicle Wrap vs Billboard

Duration of Life

A billboard will typically last however long your lease does. When the lease expires and it is time to renew, it will be more money out of your pocket. Vehicle wraps cans last up to 5 years and can be easily removed when it is time to take the vehicle wrap off your car. Not to mention, once your vehicle wrap is removed, the surface of your vehicle will look just how it did when you originally put the wrap on. Vehicle wrap advertising is not the only thing vehicle wraps are good at, they protect the surface of your vehicle from dings and scratches that would otherwise damage the paint or dent your vehicle!

Vehicle wrap advertising has become the new and improved way to advertise! Give 1st Impressions a call today- we can talk about more of the benefits that vehicle wrap advertising has to offer and even help you get started on a project today!

1st Impressions is a vehicle wrap shop that has been in the auto wrap advertising business since 1994. We can help turn your company’s vision into a professionally designed vehicle wrap in little down time! Give us a call today at 602-253-3332 or send us an email at for any further questions or a quote on your vehicle(s) today!

About the author: Dan Deary is president of 1st Impressions Truck Lettering, a 3M Certified Vehicle Wrap shop located in Phoenix, Arizona.